
This page contains indications for the pages and the format of your page system.

Pages indications

To create a page for our command aid system, we need to create two arrays of strings which will serve us to create clickable pages in the chat. These two arrays must have both four values in a precise order which are:

For the previous page

  1. A text used if there are previous pages.

  2. A message which appears when you hover over the text and when there are previous pages.

  3. A text used if there are no previous page.

  4. A message which appears when you hover over the text and when there are no previous page.


"previousPage": ["&7[&b<&7]", "&bPage précédente", "&7[<]", ""]

For the next page

  1. A text used if there are next pages.

  2. A message which appears when you hover over the text and when there are next pages.

  3. A text used if there are no next page.

  4. A message which appears when you hover over the text and when there are no next page.


"nextPage": ["&7[&b>&7]", " &bPage suivante", "&7[>]", ""]

Pagination format indications

After creating your pages, you must create a pagination format which will allow you to navigate between your different pages. This format is also an array of strings which can have these properties:

These properties must be alone in the array or the page system will not correctly work.


"pagination": [" ", "%previous_page%", "  ", "%next_page%", " &6- &ePage ", "%page%"]

General help format

To finish with our page system, we need to define a general format in which pages will be sent. The property which allow you do to that is format and it's an array of strings. It must contain these two properties:


"format": [
  " ",
  " ",
  " ",

Last updated